All sports involve the use of specific movement sequences throughout play to promote optimum performance. To help us understand how to reach optimum performance the field of biomechanics was developed. Biomechanics is the study of mechanical laws in relation to movement with particular concern for internal and external factors (Sports Biomechanics, 2011). There are a number of biomechanical principals that are used to do this and include, but are not limited to; kinetic chain, torque, centre of mass, centre of gravity, Newton’s Three Laws of Motion, momentum, velocity etc… (Blazevick, 2013). By analysing a specific movement pattern or sequence we are able to apply these principals and find optimum movement. When discussing biomechanics, badminton is a sport that withholds many examples of biomechanical principles. This blog looks more specifically at the biomechanics within the badminton smash.